Thursday, April 30, 2009

All Hands

I've always wondered why "All Hands Meetings" were called "All Hands Meetings". It sounds so funny to me. I first heard the term when I worked at Google, and I had no clue what it meant. I thought it was some Silicon Valley tech term for a hands on, physical labor activity/event that needed the use of everyone's hands. I figured out that wasn't the case. We had an All Hands Meeting at my current company today, and my wish for our next All Hands Meeting: All employees required to listen with both hands up in the air, oh and to have their nostrils flared. Wouldn't that be ridiculously fun? - p

In the Name of R&D

Are you sure he's not related to us? - d

Postcard that Pam sent to me years ago. It's my favorite.

Size Matters

When traveling, P & D like to do as the tourists do. During a stop-over in Frankfurt, Pam & I decided to purchase some weiners. What girl doesn't love a good weiner? Was a little disappointed when our order came through - for what we were served tasted nothing like the thick, juicy dogs they serve at our beloved Costco back home. We were each served two long, thing weiners accompanied by a really short bun. And there wasn't even ketchup. *FLARE*

Luckily, Germans know how to rock the duty-free shop. Our purchases there more than made up for our sad, sad, lunch. Pam picked up a ginormous serving of Mentos and Toblerone (damn, that nougat's delicious), and I picked up a three-pound bag of Haribos (practically named my dog after the gummy brand). 

Size matters!!! - d

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hello, My Name Is...

Hi. I'm "D" (to left), and the hot babe to my right is my BFF, "P". We're the founders of Flaring Nostrils. Just thought y'all might like to connect the works of genius posted here with some lovely faces. 

P.S. This lady-like photo was taken on a tour bus in Florence, Italy. Both of us are suffering from flat hair. We're in dire need of some "Bump-Its".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I received a bag of Raspberry Milanos from my coworker Mr.Xmas today. It was such a highlight for me that I decided to express my joy through my fabulous artwork. It didn't turn out as delicious looking as the real bag of cookies. Which Milano is your favorite? -p

Monday, April 27, 2009

As If I Didn't Have Enough Already

The Japanese are totally awesome. - d

Sunday, April 26, 2009

4.25.09 17 Again

I went to watch "17 Again" with our friend Jen. Jen likes Zac Effron. I like Twilight's Rob Pattinson. We ended up doing a "double feature" and caught "Fast and Furious" as well. Me likey. I felt 17 again. -p

4.24.09 R.I.P Peanut

My cousin Susan had a hamster named Peanut once.
My dad demanded Peanut to go lay out and catch some rays.
Poor peanut had a little too much sun.
R.I.P. Peanut